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Adam Meyer

Adam Meyer

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About author

Adam is a health writer, certified holistic nutritionist, and 100% plant-based athlete. In addition to Eat This, Not That!, his work has been published on Best Life, The Beet, Livestrong, and others. Adam lives in British Columbia, Canada with his wife, two kids, and their Australian Shepherd. That's where you'll find him running mountain trails, working out in his home gym, or writing in a coffee shop. You can follow him on Twitter and Instagram at @pillarsnutrition

Articles by Adam Meyer

upward-facing dog, concept of yoga workout to lose weight
woman doing squats, concept of daily HIIT workout for women
woman doing Chaturanga, concept of yoga exercises to reduce arm fat
high protein lunch bowl chicken kale chickpeas quinoa avocado
santa belly concept
protein powder smoothie
woman dumbbell press, concept of workout to lose belly fat and arm fat
jumping jacks, concept of one-minute workout for weight loss
woman outdoors doing arm exercises with dumbbells for lean arms
bicycle crunches, concept of exercises for men to get a lean waistline
plie squats
man lifting weights at gym, concept of quick muscle-building tips for guys
woman doing dumbbell press exercises to get rid of armpit pooch
woman doing dumbbell lunges outdoors, concept of daily workouts for women to sculpt lean waist
fit woman working out on air bike, concept of strength workouts for women to lose weight
woman happy walking on the beach, concept of exercises for women to live longer
woman with abs doing barbell press into squat, concept of strength exercises for 11 line abs
woman doing chair pose, concept of yoga exercises to melt belly fat
woman running, concept of workouts to deflate belly
woman walking on trails, concept of daily walking workout for women to get fit
woman making green smoothie, concept of habits to slim down a thick waist in 30 days
woman doing kettlebell swings, concept of strength exercises for women to melt middle-aged spread belly fat
woman drinking bottled water while on walk outdoors, concept of how to lose 10 pounds without dieting
woman exercising on yoga mat with dumbbells, concept of secrets for women to lose weight after 50
close-up woman making salad, concept of things that make losing weight easier after 50
woman doing arm exercises with dumbbells, concept of standing exercises to melt armpit pooch
woman leg raises, concept of floor exercises for women to lose weight
fit man doing rowing workout, concept of exercises for better joint health
pouring milk into cereal, concept of worst foods for your love handles
middle aged man exercising with deadlifts